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Register4Less Private Nameservers

Create Private Nameservers With Register4Less

Tags: Nameservers 

Register4Less Private Nameservers

This guide will show how to create private nameservers with Register4Less.

Register4Less Private Nameservers

Step 1: After logging into your Register4Less account with the domain you wish to create nameservers for, click DNS to managed DNS for the domain.

Step 2: Click Nameserver Registration

Step 3: Enter a nameserver name, such as 'ns1', and the IP address you want the nameserver to point to

Step 4: Click Create Record. You will see the record pop up above the text entry boxes.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any further nameservers you wish to create.

As with all DNS-related changes, global propagation can take up to 24 hours to finish.