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I Believe I Edited Them Correctly. How Do I Check?

My Registrar Is Not Accepting The DNS Servers That I Have Entered

Tags: DNS 

I Believe I Edited Them Correctly. How Do I Check?

Your registrar may not be accepting your domain because of configuration limitations for the DNS zones.  This frequently happens with country-specific domains.  Before pointing a domain to the country-specific domain, you need to fulfill their special requirements.

If you find yourself running into this issue, repeatedly follow these brief steps:

  1. Recheck that you entered all the information correctly, request and confirm from Hostwinds support that you have the correct nameservers applied or "A" record for your hosting
  2. If your current registrar offers support, reach out to them with the request to edit your DNS zones appropriately.
  3. Reach out to the Hostwinds support team through your Client Area to open up a ticket to our Technical Support.  You may want to provide the current registrar's name, username, and password, as our technical support will assist in editing your DNS records for you upon request.

I Believe I Edited Them Correctly. How Do I Check?

Suppose you edited your DNS zones and/or nameservers, and you would like to confirm they are set correctly outside of the registrar saying they are.  You can do a Whois check or a propagation check from third-party tools to do this.

Run a whois check by navigating to and enter in your domain.  This will show you an abundant amount of information, but most importantly, it will display the current registrar and nameservers.

Run a propagation check by navigating to  You will be able to run a check on multiple records, such as your "A" record and "NS" (nameservers) records.

Note:  Once set, you may need to wait a moment for propagation to begin.  Full propagation can take 24-48 hours. However, you should notice records starting to point correctly within an hour or two upon some locations.