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How To Restart Mail Server (EXIM) Through WHM

WHM Restart Service: Mail Server (Exim)

Tags: Email,  WHM 

How To Restart Mail Server (EXIM) Through WHM

If you notice a slower delivery speed when sending out a larger number of emails or the emails not sent out promptly, a restart may be needed. This guide goes into steps on how to perform this using WHM.

How To Restart Mail Server (EXIM) Through WHM

Step One: Connect and log into WHM

Step Two: Scroll down to Restart Services and click on it or enter "Restart Services" to the search bar.

Step Three: Click Mail Server (EXIM) from the list of available services you can restart through WHM

Step Four: Click Yes if you are sure you want to restart your Mail Server (EXIM)

It can take a little bit of time for the restart of the service to complete. Additionally, this may clear the mail queue for the service.

If further problems occur after restarting the Mail Server (EXIM) server, do not hesitate to contact our technical support by opening a ticket or starting a live chat so that we can provide you with additional support. We are standing by 24/7/365 to help you.