Hostwinds Tutorials

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Latest Tutorials Tagged with Bind

The de-facto standard Domain Name System server of the Linux / BSD world, BIND, is easy to install on Ubuntu and any other distributions. BIND translates domain names to IP addresses primarily but has a few other functions. Installing BIND on Ubuntu 16.04 is as follows:...

In this guide, you will learn how to set up an internal DNS using Apache and bind. This will allow you to configure private Nameservers and connect your domain to your server without using a control panel. You will need to connect to your server via SSH or another method...

BIND is the default and most popular DNS software utilized on Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux or, more specifically for this article, CentOS 7. The primary function of BIND is to translate domain names to their corresponding IP addresses. The focus of this article...

What is BIND? BIND is generally the default and most popular DNS software that is used across various Linux distributions. BIND is used to translate domain names to their assigned IP address, ensuring the domain is resolvable across the internet. In this article, we will...

BIND is fully open-source DNS software originally developed at the University of California at Berkeley in the 1980s and is widely used on various Unix-based operating systems. Its primary function is to facilitate the domain name to IP address conversion, making a domain...